
Price per night in high season (from June to September and in during holidays)

Based on a stay with max 2 persons for stays of at least 7 nights

+ 15 € per person extra (max 4)


Price per night in Mid-season (May and October) except during school  holidays)

Based on a stay with max 2 persons for stays of at least 7 nights

 + 15 € per person extra (max 4)


Price per night in Low -season (Jan -Feb -Mar- Apr-Nov-Dec)  except during school holidays 

Based on stays of at least 7 nights for max 2 persons

+ 15 € per extra person (max 4)


Price cleaning service 

Per reservation ( + supplement of  10 € if you took a 4-legged friend )


You want to stay longer?

The studio is suited for students or as a second residence for 1-2 persons personen.

Lets discuss this